Hopping Spring Bundle Submissions!

This is the final weekend for Creators to submit their projects to the Itch.io Hopping Spring Bundle which will run thru April and include:

  • Digital & Physical Games
  • Books, Visual Novels, & Comics

The Bundle’s price-point will be a 95% Discount of the Paid projects Total while participants will receive Equal Splits of the Revenue generated (itch.io does not use fractions of a %).

With more the 90 Submissions so far, we should easily surpass the 100 Project milestone making this one of the larger, more-attractive bundles we’ve seen in awhile so be sure to review the full criteria of the bundle and submit as many qualified projects as possible.

For more on Bundle Everywhere, please visit our Itch page and consider joining our Discord Server if you haven’t yet. And, be sure to share this post with fellow Creators and invite them to join the growing network of individuals supporting one another on itch.io!


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